Be the Change
By Shae
Concept: it’s 2020. Your skin clears up. You’ve attracted friends with character into your life. You’re in killer relationships with all those around you. You start personal development and are intentional. You nourish your body and put it first. New music is bangin’. You set realistic resolutions. Achieving and succeeding in them, you’re able to create time for all the small things you love, cash flows, baby. You’re with someone who deserves you. You compliment others and it’s genuine, goodness flows from your heart. Every dog you walk past WANTS to be pet. You get ice cream and tattoos. Life is gravy, baby.
Most people want to achieve excellence or greatness. But the real question is: Are you willing to put in the real work?
You have so much potential and so much greatness within you. Are you going to leave it buried or let it shine through?
So many people are focused on:
Wanting to be social media influencers instead of BEING INFLUENTIAL.
Looking rich instead of ACTUALLY BEING RICH.
Grinding and hustling instead of BEING PRODUCTIVE and actually accomplishing the important things.
Having a mindset of “how can I win” instead of “HOW CAN WE ALL WIN.”
Getting millions followers, but never providing value to make people want to follow their journey.
Having 1000’s of shallow relationships, rather than a handful of relationships that are DEEP.
It’s a generation/ mindset of “What’s in it for me?” instead of “How can I give, serve, lead, and leave this world better than I found it?” Priorities are so jaded and it’s time to BE THE CHANGE.
Let this be the decade of real wealth creation, rich relationships, productivity, growth, true influence, giving, abundance, joy and LOVE. True love for one another, compassion, impact and legacy for centuries to come.