“If an Opportunity Doesn’t Knock, Build a Door”

By Emily

What are you most proud of in life?

I wouldn’t say I have just one instance that I am proudest of. I believe that there have been steps taken throughout my life that have put me where I am today. I am proud that I get up every day and work for my future. I am proud that I have been able to obtain a healthy mental mindset. I am proud of the mistakes that have been made throughout my 19 years on earth. There are moments throughout my life that I have appreciated more than others, such as being a well-rounded student or always being there for whoever needs me, but we as people who want to empower need to be proud of our mistakes. I am not sure who I would be without certain incidents that taught me lifelong lessons. 

What are you passionate about?

My passion is helping others. Ever since I was a little girl, I was always there for whoever was hurting and needed a good laugh or maybe a hug. With my mom being a nurse, I have gained so much knowledge of continuously being a helping hand. I believe everyone deserves the best life if they put the work in to do so. If I am a part of that process, I know my purpose of being placed on this earth was fulfilled. 

What makes you feel confident?

I have struggled with confidence my whole life. Confidence is something that is not handed to everyone, it is a practice. While I got older, I noticed that people around me seemed to have more strength to put themselves out there or take a risk I would have personally never gone for. My confidence journey started by trying to be like people who seemed to uphold confidence already—bad idea. The number one rule I have learned is never to try to be like somebody else. Me being my middle school self, being like someone else seemed like the only option. Throughout high school, I learned more efficient ways to feel confident. I started by following an account I still follow today that posts daily affirmations. At first, I had so much doubt about reading claims to myself. Why would I look in the mirror and call myself pretty or intelligent? I continued to do it pretty much every day, and I could not believe how much confidence reading compliments to myself gave me. These affirmations did work, but the biggest confidence booster was being comfortable in my own skin. To be scared of who you are or what you're passionate about will tear you down until you decide that you are amazing no matter who you are. 

What is your favorite inspirational quote?

“If an opportunity doesn't knock, build a door” -Milton Berle. There are millions of ways to get to your dream. If you are unwilling to get up and walk down multiple paths to see which one will bring you to what you've worked for, you shouldn’t have even made a dream your goal. I am a firm believer that people have to work for what they want. Nobody ever said it would be easy to get to; it would not be called a dream if it was easy to get to. Of course, everyone needs help along the way, but the effort you put in is the effort you will get out. The biggest obstacles we are faced with may bring us to the highlight of our lives. It could take one door being built to get to your goal but, do not stop making doors because each one built is one closer to pure happiness. 

What advice would you give to your younger self?

Stop taking everyone’s opinions to heart. This is something I am continuing to work on. I take opinions super personally and do not know how to perceive them. From the beginning, if I could just let go and focus on myself and not what other people are saying about me, I can say I could be so much more confident. Taking in people’s comments and letting them hurt my feelings is not something I need in my life that will not empower me in any shape or form. I wish I could go back and tell myself that whatever makes me happy is what I need to follow, no matter who is saying what. You only live once; why would you let anyone take advantage of your mental well-being?

Empowered & Poised

Leah B., CEO of Empowered & Poised, Seeking to empower young girls & women to be their truest self


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