Investing in Myself and Motherhood
By Dominique
The day I decided to invest in myself as a mother and an entrepreneur is the day I became empowered and poised. Motherhood is a state of nature to which there is no official guidebook or reference sheet. Sure, I had pamphlets, forums, Facebook groups and the words and experiences of the matriarchs of my family in my ear, but I was never quite confident in my ability to be a high-achieving mother. The mom who did it all, and then some. While I was concerned with fostering a healthy and well-balanced relationship with my partner back then, I should’ve been concerned with being my best self. However, my insecurities of first-time motherhood and an unofficial (and colloquial) diagnosis of imposter syndrome have three years passed.
Since then, I fell in love with my current significant other and his three girls (!!!). He never let’s a day go by without affirming how well I am doing co-parenting our party of five. Yes. I am an independent-woman-who-don't-need-a-man's opinion but it is so reassuring to have a partner who reinforces me when I am feeling unsure and who supports all of my whims and aspirations. One of them being the decision to leave the traditional 9 to 5 work life behind to become a solopreneur who can work from behind a laptop anytime, anywhere. Even though I am the primary breadwinner, I am making that investment in myself. I am confident that I have the skills and knowledge to offer a service. Likewise, I am going all in by investing in myself as a mom so that I can be fully immersed in my children’s lives. I no longer sit and obsess over what I did or what I should have done; what was right and was wrong.
I just do.