The Power of Female Leadership

By Missy

It cannot be missed. Women are rising and taking leadership roles in every industry. As women rise, they often feel like they have to fit the mold of male dominated industries, thus cutting themselves off from parts of themselves that bring so much to their leadership potential. 

I want to have a conversation today about the importance of bringing in all aspects, gifts and innate qualities women possess that allow us to rise. 


First, let's dive into an area that affects everyone, yet is often looked down upon for women - emotions.

How many times have you felt the need to become an emotionless leader? Both of my hands are raised as I ask this question! But, our emotions and connection to them is a gift. Because we feel and express, that means we can use those feelings to sit longer with decisions, we can weigh them from multiple angles and can look to see the effects it can have on others and how to manage that. 

Because we feel, we care. A leader that has a transparent heart, that’s real, authentic and approachable is what our world needs. And those looking to you for leadership desire a whole-hearted leader, as you are someone they can relate to and feel. 


Now, let’s not forget to talk about owning your creative capabilities. You are an incredible woman, and you have the capability to grow and create life. You can use those same creative juices to lead. I don’t know about you, but I only thought about creativity as something that was artistic for so long. Personally, that’s not a strength of mine, but once I changed that about myself, I started to see how else I was creative. I started to own my creative flow to develop ideas, write, solve problems and then I was able to see just how creative I really am. 

I invite you to explore all of the ways you are creative, so the next time you bring an idea to the table you have confidence with expressing it. Creative expression is the basis for finding solutions and leaders are all about being creative solution-makers. 


Another aspect of women that often slips under the rug is our intuitive nature. This is GREAT for leadership! Because you can connect into your intuition you can feel “yes” and “no” more deeply. You can be guided into paths that others may not have seen or be open to new ideas because it brings up a good feeling and intuitive sense. The more I have allowed my intuition to be heard the more it has been in flow. I have come to trust it, not dismiss it. Women tend to be more naturally gifted with intuition. Part of the reason is we are able to read our environments more, pick up on social cues and facial expressions. It’s a valuable gift, and one that has far too often not be acknowledged or allowed to be honored. 


These are gifts, and they are empowering you as a leader to be seen. This is a fear so many women work through when rising to power. I believe this fear, if not taught to you in this lifetime, is most likely taught to your mother or grandmother and passed down to you through DNA. Because generations of women have been told to be seen and not heard. Told to conform to what is expected of them and if they go outside of that - fear of being harmed physically. 


The more you own your gifts and lead through your authentic self, the more this paradigm shifts for you and generations next. Using your voice, expressing your ideas, showing up, taking up space and owning that all as your truth will not only allow you to accept yourself, but open up for other women around you to witness, recognize your power and follow suit.. 

Now, you may be reading this and thinking to yourself, “I am not a leader.” Well, you lead everyday. You lead yourself. If you are a mother, you are leading your kids, your household. If you have friends, you are capable of being a leader. Sometimes all it takes is one woman making a stand for herself, her authentic expression and owning her gifts to affect those around her and impact others. That's leadership. And that’s what the world needs right now.

Empowered & Poised

Leah B., CEO of Empowered & Poised, Seeking to empower young girls & women to be their truest self

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